RCDD Mini-Campaigns for Flames of War and Team Yankee – Intro

Welcome to the Rose City Dukes Monthly Mini-Campaigns for 2018.

These campaigns use the Team Yankee rules from Battlefront, and Flames of War, 4th ed. tabletop miniatures wargame rules

Each month, we will run a 4-week campaign that is also a competitive league.
There will be online rankings, battle reports and prizes.
Many of the battles will be played out at Guardian Games (Portland) and Oregon City Geeks and Games. However, tabletop generals from farther afield can participate virtually, via the Ordofanaticus.com forum and our blog at https://rosecitydukes.wordpress.com

We will have at least one individual award, for the most victory points won in battles during the month.
Depending on the level of participation, we may also have team awards for the team that wins the most battles.
Some of our prizes and awards will be assembled using the Battlefront Organized Play Kits. Other awards and prizes will be our own local creation and choice.

Initially, we will have Team Yankee campaigns during February and April. The theme is the Fulda Gap, in West Germany, circa 1985, covering the 3rd Armored Division and the 8th Guards Army. The February campaign is like the design for Battlefront’s Axis of Attack campaigns.

We are exploring a larger Team Yankee campaign, which we are designing and will run locally. We intend to have a rich backstory, greater depth, and more “fluff”, but that is not yet ready to roll out.

On alternating months, we will run Flames of War (FoW) mini-campaigns. The first two FoW campaigns will be held in March and May. The theme for these campaigns is North Africa, Mid-War (November and December of 1942), in Tunisia, covering the American, British, German and Italian forces.

If the campaigns are popular, then we will schedule more of them in the second half of 2018.

Instructions and more details will follow in the Flames of War section of the OrdoFanaticus forum.
The “Formal” announcements will have the topics “Team Yankee FEB Campaign – PDX” and “Flames of War MARCH Campaign – PDX”